Amy Harris, Keizer, OR

My first experience with your music was in 2021 when my duet partner and I were thrilled to discover your lovely arrangement of “America the Beautiful.” Recently I came across your “Amazing Grace” and “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” duets, as well as your late intermediate piano solo version of “Come Thou Fount” (which I can’t stop playing!)…and I’m now completely hooked. You’ve breathed warmth and beauty and new life into these age-old tunes and made them an absolute joy to play. Thank you for giving me a voice to express what’s in my heart as a musician and a human. I’m so looking forward to exploring more of your music and sharing it with future audiences! Also, your website is one of the easiest to navigate that I’ve found, and I really appreciate the descriptions and audio recordings of the pieces in their entirety.